Board Games & Learning Kits
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Board Games & Learning Kits
Teens/Young Adults
A variety of teen and adult board games are available for check-out by patrons or for play within the library. Games are located on the middle shelf in the Teen Room. Games vary from classics like Monopoly to unique and indie gaming experiences.
Study resources such as anatomy and physiology flashcards and molecule building kits are available for check out by patrons. Resources are shelved along the windowsill in the Teen Room.
New board games and study tools are being added, and we accept donations and suggestions for purchase from library patrons.
All games may be checked out for 1 week, and may not be renewed.
Board games for children, such as Guess Who? and Candy Land are available for check out in the children’s department. Board games may be checked out for one week, and may not be renewed.
The library offers Discovery Kits to children and families for check out. These kits cover a variety of learning topics, such as math, vocabulary, and social/emotional skills. Kits are available for check out from the children’s department.