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Databases A-Z

Research databases give you access to magazine, journal and newspaper articles as well as books, book chapters, reference books, images, video and many other sources. When searching the databases outside of the library, you will be prompted to enter your entire 14-digit library barcode number.

Please note this in regards to resources provided by Power Library: This project is made possible in part by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Library Access funds administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries.  The views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website do not necessarily represent those of the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services or the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Academic OneFile Select (GALE)

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This resource covers everything from art and literature to economics and the sciences. This resource for academic research integrates the full text of publications from across the disciplines and now includes vocational/technical titles used by community college students, filling a specific need for curriculum-oriented collections.

Academic Search Main Edition

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Discover full-text scholarly content for major college courses. Designed specifically for academic institutions, Academic Search Main Edition provides full-text and peer-reviewed journals from nearly 1,900 full-text journals and nearly 1,300 full-text peer-reviewed journals. Subjects covered include biology, chemistry, engineering, physics, psychology, religion and theology, and more. This resource will be unavailable after 6/30/2025

America's News

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Explore and stay informed on local and national topics, people and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more. Features a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources spanning the U.S., including [insert local title if applicable]. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.

AP Newsroom

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View the greatest events in world history with photographs, audio sound bites, video, and graphics, for over 185 years. Over 3,000 photos/images/sound bites/graphics added daily, including audio and visual snapshots. 

Auto Repair Source

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Discover the most accurate, authoritative and up-to-date service and repair information for thousands of domestic and imported vehicles. All content comes from the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and includes step-by-step repair information, diagrams, maintenance schedules, parts and labor estimates, service bulletins and recalls.

Black Freedom Struggle: Primary Resources

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The Black Freedom Struggle resource is provided at no cost to the POWER Library by ProQuest. It features select primary source documents related to critical people and events in African American history. By centering on the experiences and perspectives of African Americans, it is hoped that this collection imbues the study of Black history with a deeper understanding of the humanity of people who have pursued the quest for freedom, and the significance of movements like Black Lives Matter.


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Watch videos and read books about Animals and Nature, Earth and Sky, People and Places, ABC’s and 1, 2, 3’s, Family and Community, Music and Rhyme, Adventure, and more. Enjoy read aloud with words highlighting and interactive games. Some films and books are available in Spanish too! 

BookList Reader

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BOOKLIST READER is a sharable, digital magazine, featuring diverse readers' advisory recommendations, for readers and listeners of all ages. Filled with high-interest, themed lists that showcase books you can read and check out now.

Books, movies and more In a PA Library (Access PA Catalog)

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Search a single catalog reflecting the holdings of over 1,500 Pennsylvania libraries and their combined collections of over 41 million books, audio materials, reference materials, movies, and much more. 

Britannica School Elementary

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Britannica School Elementary is a comprehensive source of informational text for younger learners pre-K to grade 5. It includes encyclopedia articles, images, videos, and magazine articles. There is a Britannica Fundamentals section for children Pre-K through grade 2. Tools such as a world atlas, virtual tours, country comparison, etc., allow learners to explore geography and animal kingdom topics. A Britannica Fundamentals provides materials for children Pre-K through second-grade.

Contemporary Authors (GALE)

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Discover biographical and bibliographical information on more than 160,000 of today's most influential authors. 

Cricket Media Collection

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This collection includes hundreds of e-books from renowned family publisher Cricket Media. It can help build strong literacy skills in students from grades pre-K to 8 by offering digital access to award-winning, short-form fiction and nonfiction titles. This unique e-book collection explores a wide range of subjects to help young readers explore and expand their worlds.

E-Books (EBSCO)

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Select from over 16,000 eBooks from the world's leading publishers across all major subject areas. Perform full-text searches of a single eBook, search thousands of volumes simultaneously, browse topic categories, or read eBooks directly online.

Elementary (GALE)

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Elementary students in kindergarten through grade five will find age-appropriate content covering a broad range of educational topics such as animals, arts, geography, health, literature, people, social studies, technology, etc. Kids InfoBits includes full-text proprietary content from Blackbirch Press®, U-X-L, KidHaven Press™, and more! Content is continuously updated and provides interesting and important facts with connections to current and past events. 

Express Times Collection

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Explore Nazareth history through local news, events and people with Express Times Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.

Federal Digital System

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The GPO’s Federal Digital System (FDsys) provides free online access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government.

GALE ebooks

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Explore encyclopedias and specialized reference sources on a variety of topics from history, government, environment, math, and more!


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GotResumeBuilder provides assisted resume writing, resume templates, and many more services to help you write an effective resume.


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This comprehensive e-resource draws on the connections between the environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology.

Health and Wellness (GALE)

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This resource includes full-text medical journals, magazines, reference works, multimedia, and much more. Perfect for researchers at all levels, this comprehensive consumer health resource provides authoritative information on the full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices.

Historical Maps of the Lehigh Valley

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The Lehigh Valley Historical Maps Consortium (LVHMC) is a group of local archivists, librarians, curators, and historians with an interest in historical maps who collaborate with the goal of establishing a collective inventory of maps related to the Lehigh Valley. Ultimately this inventory will provide a centralized resource for the discovery of maps which have been digitized for access over the internet, as well as for those physical maps which remain in map drawers in libraries, museums and historical societies across the Valley.

High School (GALE)

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Secondary school students will have access to age-appropriate content from magazines, journals, newspapers, reference books, and engaging multi-media covering a wide range of subjects, from science, history, and literature to political science, sports, and environmental studies. 

Introduction to U.S. History: The American Revolution

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This resource documents the revolution and war that created the United States Of America, from the Paris peace treaty in 1763 through the early protests in 1785 to the Paris peace treaty of 1783. The collection examines the political, social, and intellectual upheaval of the age, as well as the actual war for American independence through its eight long years of conflict.

Introduction to U.S. History: The Civil War

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This resource documents the war that transformed America, ended slavery, and unified the nation around the principles of freedom. The collection examines the war and all its complexity – its causes and consequences and its leaders and common soldiers, the home front, and the military campground, and more.

Introduction to U.S. History: Slavery in America

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This resource provides a significant account of the issue of slavery and its impact on American society and culture. It documents key aspects of the history of slavery in the United States, from its origins in Africa to its abolition, including materials on the slave trade, plantation life, emancipation, pro-slavery and anti-slavery arguments, religions views on slavery, and other related topics.

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

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This e-resource indexes more than 700 journals in library science & technology plus books, research reports and proceedings. Coverage extends back as far as the mid-1960's.


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Consumer health information from the National Library of Medicine.

Merck Manual Consumer Version

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Information on medical topics, symptoms, drugs, procedures, news and more, written in everyday language as well as photos, videos, and animations.

Middle School (GALE)

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Discover reliable and trusted information on a variety of topics to support middle school student research for government, U.S and world history, geography, literature, sciences, and social issues.  Research In Context offers cross-curricular content aligned to national and state standards, and presents material organized into a highly visual and topic portal approach to quickly find answers. 

The Morning Call

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A collection of The Morning Call content from both print and web sources.

Musée du Louvre

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The Musée du Louvre, the world’s most-visited museum, is now allowing the public to browse its 480,000-piece collection from the comfort of their homes. The French museum has created an online platform featuring all of the museum’s artworks.

My Heritage

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This multilingual family history research database includes billions of historical documents from 48 countries, millions of historical photos, public records, indexes, and additional resources that span the past five centuries.

National Geographic Magazine Archive

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This iconic monthly publication provides unparalleled, in-depth coverage of society, cultures, nature, science, technology, travel, geography, and more -- making it an essential resource for educators and students as well as general readers. This resource include complete, unlimited access to the magazine main content through 2020 -- every article from every issue, each fully searchable through an intuitive interface.

News (GALE)

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Browse and read full-text newspapers from more than 2,300 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers, plus leading titles from around the world, or search articles instantly by title, headline, date, author, newspaper section, or other fields. InfoTrac Newsstand also includes thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts, and transcripts. 

PA Online Learning

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PA Online Learning is a FREE growing collection of tutorials on how to use software, social media, and library resources, such as POWER Library! Explore now and check back later to see how it grows!

PA Photos & Documents

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Explore millions of digitized photographs, documents, and newspapers from Pennsylvania's rich and varied history. The collections are provided by libraries and other organizations across the Commonwealth.

Pennsylvania Job Resources

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Discover job resources for Pennsylvania job seekers and employers. These Pennsylvania government provided resources are designed to help you find a good career, review job openings, and match you with employers. 

Pennsylvania Magisterial District Courts Map

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The Magisterial District Court Map, a tool developed by the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts in collaboration with the Pennsylvania State Data Center, provides a simple and efficient way to look up an address to assist the public in identifying magisterial district boundaries and locating magisterial district court offices. The Magisterial District Court (MDC) locator map is a benefit to court staff and the public when trying to determine which Magisterial District Judge (MDJ) has jurisdiction of an address.

Pennsylvania News Sources

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Browse a list of news sources in Pennsylvania. Includes various news sources and can be searched by publication date.

PowerKnowledge Earth and Space

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Developed for grade 3 to 6 learners with their unique learning styles and sensibilities in mind, PowerKnowledge Earth & Space Science features an appealing, friendly interface. The 300+ articles are expressly created for an elementary and middle school audience. Dynamic videos enhance and extend learning. Interactive games reinforce skills and content. Hands-on science projects, experiments, and activities help learners see science in context, and in action.

PowerKnowledge Life Science

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Developed for Grade 3 to 6 learners with their unique learning styles and sensibilities in mind, PowerKnowledge Life Science features an appealing, friendly interface. The 400+ articles are expressly created for an elementary and middle school audience. Dynamic videos enhance and extend learning. Interactive games reinforce skills and content. Hands-on science projects, experiments, and activities help learners see science in context, and in action.

PowerKnowledge Physical Science

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Developed for Grade 3 to 6 learners with their unique learning styles and sensibilities in mind, PowerKnowledge Physical Science features an appealing, friendly interface. All articles are expressly created for an elementary and middle school audience. Dynamic videos enhance and extend learning. Interactive games reinforce skills and content. Hands-on science projects, experiments, and activities help learners see science in context, and in action.

Power Search

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Search many of the Gale e-resources available in POWER Library in one place! Find articles and information from Academic OneFile, General OneFile, InfoTrac Newsstand. 

ProQuest E-Book Central

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This resource includes 112 titles on diversity, equity, and inclusion, and cover subjects such as business, education, fine arts, history, political science, social science, juvenile literature, and sports and recreation

Science Reference Center

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Perform research from hundreds of full text science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other reliable sources. View more than 280,000 high-quality science images from sources such as UPI, Getty, NASA, National Geographic and the Nature Picture Library. 

SIRS Discovery

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This database provides coverage in areas including history, health, language arts, math, science, social studies, and technology. All newspaper, magazine, and reference book content is 100% full text, editorially-selected and indexed from over 2,200 reliable, high-quality global sources, including 400 full-text nonfiction books and around 300 full-text book chapters from publishers such as Britannica, World Book, Rosen Publishing Group, Enslow, and ReferencePoint Press.

SkillUp PA

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SkillUp® PA provides access to no-cost online job skills training for Pennsylvanians. Pennsylvanians can register for an account to sign up for selected classes on the PACareerLink® website. Courses include soft skills and communication, Microsoft Office, QuickBooks, project management, and more. Users can browse the course catalog and find classes to prepare for industry certification tests or select a skill track for workplace skills, digital literacy, retail/service, and more.

Small Engine Repair Reference Center

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Find detailed repair guides for all types of small engines. Offers assistance in providing routine maintenance (tune-ups, brake service) as well as extensive repairs such as engine and transmission disassembly. Search by product type, brand, model/engine type, specific area of model/engine type and model numbers.

Smithsonial Open Access

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Welcome to Smithsonian Open Access, where you can download, share, and reuse millions of the Smithsonian’s images—right now, without asking. With new platforms and tools, you have easier access to nearly 3 million 2D and 3D digital items from our collections—with many more to come. This includes images and data from across the Smithsonian’s 19 museums, nine research centers, libraries, archives, and the National Zoo.

Teacher Reference Center

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This e-resource for teachers provides indexing and abstracts for 280 peer-reviewed journals.

Time Magazine Archive 1923-2000

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This archive presents an extensive collection of the prominent weekly news magazine dating back to its first issue in March 1923 through December 2000, presented in a comprehensive cover-to-cover format. The 4,000 issues include reports of national and international current events, politics, sports, and entertainment.

Transparent Languages Online

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Whether you’re a true language learning beginner, dusting off your old high school Spanish, or eager to tackle your tenth language—Transparent Language Online will help you get started and stick with it. Create an account to save you progress!


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Learn about people, places, nature, history, and science from videos and eBooks on topics such as American Indians, Ancient Civilizations, Farm to Table, The Civil War, Continents, The Thirteen Colonies, U.S. Government, Disasters, Earth Science, Experiments, Extreme Science, Nature, and many more.

U.S. News & World Report Magazine Archive: 1926-1984

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This magazine features a broad variety of topics in current events, politics and business, and is well known for its ranked lists of businesses and institutions. With 4,900 issues included, the Archive is valuable to researchers of 20th-century current events, politics and business, as well as those interested in the history of journalism, advertising and popular culture

U.S. Gazetteer Files

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The U.S. Gazetteer Files provide a listing of all geographic areas for selected geographic area types. The files include geographic identifier codes, names, area measurements, and representative latitude and longitude coordinates.